
Dawn Bell Chapter 72

Deviation Actions

TigerDusk27's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 72

----Secret Passage way underneith Canterlot Castle----

"So yer a pony... from another time line err dimention?" Apple Jack asked rubbing her head from the strange explaination Fang had given her as to who he was, to which he nodded, "that would be the debunked version of everything that happened, I suppose". The two walked further down the winding halls of the passage way till they came to a set of stairs leading up to a trap door. Apple Jack held up a lantern and whispered, "we won't know what's up there so let's be... " "BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Fang roared as he slashed the door open with the Heaven's Fang and jumped up through the hole. Apple Jack stood there speachless. Fang poked his head through the hole "you comming or what? there's nothing up here but a bunch of broken chairs and portraits". AJ sighed and followed Fang.

----A bright light filled room with in Zen's mind----

Zen adjusted his circular sunglasses and looked around at his new surrounding, a bright white ball of energy flew rapidly towards Zen and spun around him. A voice gently spoke from it, "Zen, you've awoken... as a Knight of Equestria". Zen looked at the ball of light and lifted both his eye brows, "who are you? I've been on this earth for quite a long time and I have never... seen you before" "that's because you haven't been on it as long as I have" the spirit seemed to giggle, "I am... I guess you could say, a part of Lady Dusk's essance". Zen quickly knelt down, "sorry... I didn't know I was talking with the founder of the Village.." "no need for the formalities Knight of Peace" the voice spoke his title. "Knight of Peace..." Zen said as he took off his sunglasses to reveal a pair of glowing green eyes, "I like the sounds of that".

----Ruins of Ponopolise----

Zen gasped loudly as his eyes fluttered open. Mother Nature thanked Medley once more and quickley returned to Zen. His body floated in mid air for a second at the awe struck Medley. Zen felt Mother Nature's imbrace and he smiled "I missed you too pretty lady, let's join the party". There was a flash of energy as he stood in front of Medley in a new cloak , one side was pure white while the other was pure black. A bandana stood above his brow that sparkled like the midnight sky. He had a belt that secured his cloak and a flask that hung from it on the left side, while the Earth Fang hung from his right. He looked at Medley and smiled, "thanks for helping me out... I had to do a bit of soul searching I guess" "trust me," Medley laughed a little, "I know the feeling, go and help the Knights! I gotta go and help Enzo and Violet!". Zen tilted his head a little, "Knights? ... " he heard a loud crackle as he watched Prism enter a state of sonic speed, "... what in the world have I missed here?" "A lot... but I think you have the ability to make up for lost time now right?" Medley asked, "no doubts there" Zen said as he rushed towards the battle feild.

---Pure Darkness---

Tiger's eyes opened wide as he barely managed to dodge a thrust from a sword Jet had conjured up. Each time it was a different sword, it was as if he had the perfect sword for every slash and strike. "WOAH!" Tiger gasped as he dodged a slice. Jet Black grinned, "you're good at dodging... but your attacks are lacking...why are you using a single sword if I may ask? Is it preferance or is because the other hoof isn't as strong?" the two stopped and Tiger breathed out a little bit, it felt as there had been a great pressure locking swords with Jet, he wasn't kidding when he had said that he was the master of swords. Beeds of sweat dripped from Tiger's forehead as he stabbed his sword into the ground and leaned against it before answering, "I never thought about it before... it's not because my hooves aren't strong enough or my legs have enough stamina... quite the opposite, usually I have plenty of stamina, it's just the pressure you fight with, it's incredible...I've never seen anything like it...even Lady Dusk, who is incredibly skilled, she doesn't have this kind of ... pressure" Tiger finally caught his breath and stood up straight again. Jet chortled a little and nodded, "yes there are certain advantages... to being a pony from the land of Twilight I suppose... but your job now is to over come that pressure if you are to take on those two foalish idiots. What do you think Tiger Dusk? Do you want to try weilding 2 swords?" Tiger grabbed his crystal sword and held it up infront of himself and closed his eyes, "I only recently learned how to manipulate the shape of my weapon... but I will try". A bright light started to shine from Tiger's armor and it started to resonate with his sword. Tiger slowly held out his left hoof and felt a handle as the sword in his right hoof felt lighter. Two katanas were in place of the large crystal broad sword Tiger had earlier. Tiger looked at them and mused, "huh...well I guess these will work... I'll just have to recall my experience with Neighpon's weapons...though my skills are a little dusty" he spun around and his armor became a white ninpony uniform. Tiger trotted a little on the spot and jumped up and down, "really light...this will be interesting" he held the two swords up horizontally infront of himself. Jet smiled, "Katanas eh? Very well," a gold key appeared around his neck and sparkled, "Izanagi, and Susano-o! And ah heck... how about I go one step further? Amaterasu!" Tiger looked at him confused, "three swords?" Jet nodded "three swords! Santoryu style!" he grabbed Izanagi, a green katana with golden grass blades etched on to its blade, and Susano-o a blue katana with silver clouds designed into it, with his hooves. He then gripped Amatarasu, a gold katana which seemed to produce sunlight, inbetween his teeth. The two got into their stances and charged. The two met head on, blades scratching against each other. Tiger had managed to stop Susano-o and Izanagi, but he realized Amatarasu was still free and quickly ducked to the side and rolled out of the way. He dashed around Jet quickly and somersaulted into the air with his Katanas out infront of him,  Tiger roared as his katanas clashed again with Jet's. Tiger used the force from the clash and flipped behind Jet and aimed to slash quickly but found his swords locked against Sunsano-o and Izanagi once again. "Bu...but how?!" Tiger's eyes grew wide. Jet levetated Amatarasu with his horn and smiled, "the thing you ponies call 'knight vision' works in all directions, you just don't know how to use it properly" he parried Tiger's swords backwards and spun around and bucked him, "oof..." Tiger grunted as he fell back. Tiger started to get back up and saw Jet motion for him to stop, "take a seat kid, I got some schooling for you, see the Knights might have been formed by my daughter.... but she didn't realize her true potential. She probably managed to feel out a lot of techniques by herself but, now that I've fought you a few times I realize there are things that are missing," "missing?" Tiger asked, "indeed, your ability to see perfectly is one... you should be able to see some movements before they even happen, it isn't enough to just watch as a sword comes towards you, you must be able to see it before and act accordingly" Jet explained. Tiger thought and furrowed his brow a little, "but... I'd have to have psychic abilities for that" "HAHAHAHA" Jet laughed as he sat down beside Tiger and patted his back, "no no no, nothing like that, hah psychic abilities no we are not Oracle folk, Dusk, there is a layer beyond your vision you still haven't looked at yet. Truth be told, no pony from your plain of existance would know about it, it's a natural ability for Alicorns of the Twilight". Tiger looked up at Jet and asked, "then how am I supposed to unlock that?" "you forget, I've existed inside of you since you were born" Jet reminded Tiger pointing at the stripes on his muzzle, "I will show teach you how to unlock it, I will also mention that your movements are a little sluggish, but your style has much promise, two swords will definatly suit you, though katanas aren't really what you should be using" Jet pointed out, "you have a lot of strength, and endurance, but we must improve your 'step'" "Hehe... and I thought I was fast" Tiger laughed a little, "again... in Equestria yes, but we are talking about beings of Twilight, Dusk, you must match their speed or be faster, it is the only way you can make an opening" Jet nodded. Tiger remembered the key around Jet's neck and asked, "what is that key anyways?" Jet held the key up and smiled, "it's a key only bestowed upon the highest of high sword masters, the Key of Gilgamesh, it unlockes dimentions allowing me to grab perfect sword replicas of those particular dimentions, that is why every slash and every thrust I make is quite formidable" Jet looked at it with a fond smile, "every sword in existance... I've at least held it once". Tiger's jaw dropped, causeing Jet to laugh again, "ahaha, when you've lived as long as I... you get bored".

-----Canterlot Castle Corridors----

"YO HOOO!?~~~" Fang called out down the hall way. Apple Jack stared at Fang in shock, "uhh...Fang? We really should probably be quiet around here...". A bolt of black lighting shot down the hallway towards Fang who barely managed to dodge it, "now's your chance Apple Jack, go find our friends, I'll keep this bastard at bay" "are you insane?!" Apple Jack watched as he flipped backwards dodging another bolt of black lightning, "comon, just let me play the hero this one time" he grinned as he drew the Heaven's Fang. Apple Jack gritted her teeth, "don't you die" she said as she ran in the opposite direction. "So, the alicorn decided to show his ugly mug again!" Horizon's shadow slithered down the hallway as his voice echoed, "I don't know if you are brave or just plain stupid, but hey at least I can FINISH the job this time, I gotta get you back for knicking my horn, you little shit". Fang held the Heaven's Fang up infront of him and felt a strong force hit him, "GUH!" he gasped as he felt his body slam into the wall, "hehe, yeah well... things are different this time you ass wipe, I got my body and I'm gonna do a lot more than knick your horn!" Fang was instantly surrounded by crackling purple electricity, his mane started to stand up with all the static surrounding him.  
a new knight awakens!
© 2016 - 2024 TigerDusk27
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Amethyst-Fang's avatar
*whistle* Very quality stuff! Mighty impressed with Zen's Knight form- the flask has me interested the most, oddly enough.
As for the Shintoist blades, good call! Especially 3 sword style...caught me off guard for sure!
And finally, I win the award for soupcan of the year for purposely attracting Horizon. Lets hope I dont become soup to accompany it...